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The Tower

Średnia ocena: 7.00 / 10

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The Tower

Rok pierwszego wydania: 2015

Essen 2015

Liczba graczy: 2-4

Wiek: od 6 lat

Czas gry: ok 30 min.

Projektant: Antonio Tinto, Simone Luciani

Mechanika: worker placement

Ocena BGG: 7.00  (1 użytkowników)

Opis gry

La Torre dei Mostri ("The Tower") is a game of dexterity, memory and skill.

To set up, players sit around the tower and choose their pawns; each player has a different shape of pawns. Then they place their pawns inside the topmost floor by passing them through the roof. Now the round starts! Players want to make their pawns reach the ground floor of the tower because at the end of the round pawns have different values depending on the floor where they are located; the farther down they go, the more they're worth. Players have only one instrument to move pawns, though: their pointing fingers! They put their fingers through the windows of the tower and push their pawns to the next level — assuming that they recognize their own pawns, that is...

La Torre dei Mostri is made entirely of plastic, and the tower can be assembled and dismantled easily each time you play.

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Grę dodał(a) Joanna dnia 2015-08-31 22:42:52, ostatania modyfikacja 2015-08-31 22:42:56