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Dixit: Daydreams

Średnia ocena: 7.60 / 10

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Dixit: Daydreams

Rok pierwszego wydania: 2014

Essen 2014

Liczba graczy: 3-6

Wiek: od 8 lat

Czas gry: ok 30 min.

Projektant: Jean-Louis Roubira

Kategoria: karciane

Mechanika: storytelling

Ocena BGG: 7.60  (5 użytkowników)

To jest dodatek do gry Dixit

Opis gry

Dixit: Daydreams is an expansion for Dixit that contains 84 new cards for use with that game. In Dixit, each round one player takes on the role of Storyteller, choosing one card from his hand, then telling a story, singing a ditty, or otherwise doing something that in his opinion is associated with the played card. Each other player then chooses one card in her own hand and gives it to the Storyteller in secret. These cards are shuffled and revealed, then players vote on which card was played by the Storyteller. If either no one or everyone votes for the Storyteller, then he receives no points; if he received some votes but not all of the votes, he scores based on the number of votes received. Each player who submitted a correct vote or who received a vote on her card submission also scores. After a certain number of rounds, the player with the most points wins.

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Grę dodał(a) Joanna dnia 2014-10-15 13:50:03, ostatania modyfikacja 2014-10-15 13:50:07